Sunday, April 1, 2012

Burn Baby Burn

I was out running errands today, when a jogger almost came running out in front of me.  He was on the jogging path and was just turning around to go back up the path.  He was probably in his early to mid-70's, bundled up to run on a cool, dreary April 1st day......Now that's dedication and I say more power to him. 
I try to be pro-active and get a work-out in a few times a week, but with 2 jobs and a busy schedule, that doesn't always happen.  Sometimes it's too easy to say....well, I don't have time to get dressed, then drive to the gym, come back home, shower....blah blah blah.  I say, why does a work out have to be so much WORK?  I enjoy a workout video, and I enjoy a workout class--motivates me when I work out with other people, but I also like to be active.  If you have activities you like to do, then by all means get up and do them.  Shopping at the mall, planting flowers, golf, even going to Bingo, burns calories.  I found a website where you can calculate how much you activity burns.  Check this go on, put in your weight, the minutes you performed your designated activity, then click calculate and it will tell you.  I burned 115 calories unloading the car and putting groceries away....not too bad.  I didn't even count walking around the store shopping.
Give it a try to see what you're burning.
I just burned 26 calories, writing this blog.