Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bucket List

I am sitting outside on this BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon in of my friends said it could be snowing or sunny this time of year.  I say Hooray for the sunshine.  It's very easy to get a case of Spring fever on a day like today....but that's ok, because it gives me a chance to start planning for warmer days. 
This morning I was reading posts from one of my LinkedIn groups and someone was talking about how they had always wanted to take horseback riding lessons and realized they were 42.  No more waiting. She signed up and loved it.
I'm curious as to what people have on their bucket list--maybe a Safari or visiting the 7 wonders of the world....????  This year, I would like to have 2 bucket lists--a small bucket, local, easy to achieve events and a big bucket, future plans that may require more time and/or money.
So what are some small bucket items?  Well, here are a few I have:

*meet with a group of friends/classmates at our local wineries--too many times the only time people have the chance to all get together like this, is when something tragic happens.
*Visit local Museums
*Attend training camp for my favorite football team
*visit the football hall of fame
*take golf lessons (again) and play golf at least 12-15 times this year
*learn another language

These may not be big DREAMY plans but they are things that I wish I would take the time to do.....
I encourage all of you to make a "small" bucket list ot things to do, and I would appreciate hearing from you about what they are and the results if you achieve them.  For some it may be planting flowers, another learning to use the computer, someone else, riding a motorcycle, but no matter what it is, go try it!  You know what they say--There's no time like the present.  Be active, have fun and don't look back and say, "I wish I would have tried ______"  Go ride the rollercoaster or take the dance class, whatever it may be and ENJOY!!

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